Film update

Well, I am, of course, not off to Hawaii this January. Funny, the Arts Council assessor saw through that one!

However I think I have found someone through the Hawai’i Film Board who can help*.

Also I spoke to Suzie Plumb (fantastic name), the film curator at Hove museum. She is very interested in the project and says I could use the small upstairs cinema space to show the finished film and mini documentary about the project. Space is limited upstairs but we also discussed the possibility of information panels about the Princess’ story, about her significance to Hawai’i, the meaning of hula, film in Hove in the 1890s and so on. Maybe a panel about City College students involvement?

I had previously thought I would book the Fisherman’s Gallery; that’s still a possibility but I would have to pay to hire that. It might be better to be in Hove museum as it’s more prestigious.  And at the Fisherman’s Gallery I would have to do all the planning and marketing myself, at Hove I would get some support.

Also they have the early film collection there. The Arts Council are very keen on artists (yes, that’s me) having partnerships with other organisations in place so it might help my application.

Suzie suggested I could use the exhibition space downstairs but I think that’s probably too big and would be expensive.
She said I could use the education space downstairs for workshops, though this wouldn’t work for dance workshops in terms of space. Maybe we could use the lawns outside……

And she is going to help me review my Arts Council application. Hurrah!


* please note I am now using the okina in the word Hawai’i.